LifeCare Publishing Resources

Warrior Woman Boot Camp (vol 1) – Kelly Hawkins
Warrior Woman: Bootcamp will empower women in building a strong foundation that will allow them to enter into their life circumstances with strength, conviction, compassion and resolve. Women will be equipped to fulfill their purpose as God uniquely designed each one of us.
This is the first book in the Warrior Woman series by Kelly Hawkins.
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Warrior Woman Battleground (vol 2) – Kelly Hawkins
I believe I’m living in this time and in this world to do more than just exist—to be more than just a consumer. I believe I am here for a purpose—chosen for the circumstances that surround me.
I believe my presence can make a difference—it can bring strength to the weak, encouragement to the discouraged, courage to the faint, rescue to the entrapped, hope to the shattered, ….
I’m needed for such a time as this.
I was designed for this.
I look around and see the struggling, the entrapped, the homeless, the lost, the scared, the humiliated and shamed.
Everything in my life has prepared me to respond and make a difference.
I’m heading to the Battleground.
There’s space for you to join me. Will you?
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Warrior Woman Journal – Kelly Hawkins
Warrior Woman journal to accompany the Warrior Woman book series by Kelly Hawkins
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Warrior Woman Boot Camp Verse Search Word Search puzzle book– Kelly Hawkins
Do you enjoy word search puzzles? Is the Bible an important part of your life? Each puzzle in this verse search word search book will remind you of scripture and help you to remember each verse as it is reinforced repeatedly while you do the puzzle. Great for scripture memorization, teaching kids scripture in a fun way, giving adults rest from life while still being immersed in scripture, or to give as a gift to anyone interested in the Bible. Verses taken primarily from the New International Version (NIV).
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Feels Like I’m Drowning – Kelly Hawkins
“Living an abundant life is about using the few short years that I have here to bring glory to God and display a life of beautiful freedom as He intended me to have. It’s about living responsibly, wisely and fully. It’s about opening my hands and giving Him everything I hold onto—everything I have accomplished, everything that’s wonderful in my life, as well as everything that is painful or worrisome and all of my struggles. After that, I can let Him fill me up and then pour out everything I have in order to love Him and love others fully.”
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Safe, Secure & Free – Kelly Hawkins
“Why is it even important to be safe and secure—to have the experience of being safe and secure? And why do I need to be free? The ultimate goal, and our biblical calling, should always be to pursue what leads to loving God and loving others. Safety and security give us a firm foundation so that we can be grounded, and then we are more equipped and empowered to freely love God and love others.”
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Fit ‘n’ Faith – Lillian Easterly-Smith & Mike Smith
FIT ‘n’ FAITH is about lifestyle change. This is a book that will give you tools to transform your entire life — your body, your soul and your spirit. Packed with stories of hope, encouragement, guidance, baby steps and a plethora of recipes, you will be guided on a path to a healthier and more fulfilling life. In Fit ‘n’ Faith, Lillian Easterly-Smith and Mike Smith draw the reader toward a lifestyle where every facet of life intersects, and where help, hope & health meet. You will want to keep this book close by and refer to it often.
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Creative Eating – Lillian Easterly-Smith with Deanna Catalano & Kelly Hawkins
Creative Eating – a new release from LifeCare Publishing — Simple & Healthy recipes for the busy lifestyle. Included in this publication are not only tasty recipes but tips from the author & lifestyle coach, Lillian Easterly-Smith as well as a section on Immunity Boosters! Get your copy today at or contact the LifeCare offices and save on shipping.
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Faith And The Diagnosis – Sherri Kay Riggie
FAITH AND THE DIAGNOSIS documents the journey of three-time cancer survivor, Sherri Kay Riggie. During her battles with cancer, Sherri also wrestled with her faith and struggled with suicidal thoughts and the will to live. Having an extensive family history of cancer, including losing a son to cancer, she saw only hopelessness and despair. When darkness consumed more and more of her mind, God still remained present and faithful. Faith and the Diagnosis documents her journey that led her back into hope and to embrace the goodness of God all the more, and in it, she offers hope, encouragement and opportunities for reflection for those facing their own cancer journey.
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The Call To Care – Lillian M. Easterly-Smith, BCPC
A resource kit for developing and maintaining a care ministry
“I have, for far too long, seen the Body of Christ walk with a limp that has kept us from fulfilling the call on our lives. It is my calling to help believers to learn how to run the race – become emotionally, physically, relationally, and spiritually healthy. I believe that what is also offered through this training and ministry is a path for seekers to find the one and only true, loving and compassionate God they seek.
“LifeCare is here to help you make a difference in the lives of people God is sending your way.”
THE CALL TO CARE TRAINING RESOURCE KIT is a resources package containing 8 hours of live training on 3 dvds, 1 “Developing” manual, and 1 “Volunteer Training” manual.
The kit can be ordered from LifeCare (see our contact page) for $150 + shipping.
Order additional volunteer training manuals here

Loved As I Should Have Been – Kelly Hawkins
“This book is certainly not about anyone’s faults or shortcomings. Living in a fallen world, we all (parents, children, friends, bosses, employees, pastors, small group leaders) fall short of the way we were created to live, love and experience life. This book is about exploring that creation and understanding what God intends to do about the fallenness of our existence. And He WILL do something about it.”
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The Great Exchange: Replacing Lies with Experiential Truth – Lillian M. Easterly-Smith, BCPC
“…everyone has been wounded at some level – all of us have memories that are imbedded with lies. When we experientially ‘know’ God in these places and receive His truth, we will find His rest, joy and peace.”
THE GREAT EXCHANGE is an inner healing prayer guide booklet put together to provide support and guidance for the inner healing prayer process. It is a guide for those who long to get the most out of personal inner healing prayer, and for those who are facilitating it with others.
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Butterfly Journal
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